Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Children's Hour

Weird blog title? I'm very aware. But before you get confused, let me clarify. Children's Hour is a play that we went to as a group two nights ago. No, it wasn't my favorite, but Keira Knightly was the lead so I figured it was "blog post worthy".
The play itself was about two girls who make up a lie about their two teachers and caretakers and how the one lie causes a downward spiral of events. The play is a tragedy and Keira's co-star ends up committing suicide to end the play. Yes, you can add this to the list of tragic plays I have seen this semester!
After the play ended we had the neat opportunity to wait at the stage doors for Kiera Knightely to walk out. It was the neatest thing to experience. As soon as she stepped foot on the street, flashes went crazy and she started to sign ticket stubs and pictures. I watched all of this and she walked over to us putting me three feet from here! It was so surreal. She did a fantastic job! It was a super fun night despite the tragedy of the play we saw.

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